Vacation Report #9 Disembarkation and Sea World

September 16, 2006
This was to be a LONG day! We awoke at 5:30 am for our final meal on the Magic. Our breakfast was to be in Animator's Palate and our servers Dante and Cloverly would be serving us one final time. I must say, I never have an appetite that early in the morning so I did not eat much. Also, I was getting a nasty cold, so that too may have affected my appetite. Shortly after breakfast we gathered our carry on bags, and walked off the gangblank back to reality. We found our way to the lower level of the cruise terminal, located our luggage, and breezed through customs. All we had to do was hand over our declaration forms to the customs agent, get the all clear and walk out of the terminal. Dad and I found our way to the Budget Rent a Car shuttle, and hopped in to get our cars. Elaine, Mom, Tracy and the kids remained at the terminal with our belongings.
After a quick ride to the Budget office, Dad and I soon had the keys and paperwork for matching Chevrolet Malibu's. I followed Dad back to the ship, and we picked everyone up. Mom, Dad and Tracy would be heading directly to Orlando International Airport, while we continued on to Sea World. We said our goodbyes at the ship and we followed one another as far as the airport. When we past the exit for I-95 I immediately fell in love with the notion that I would not have to drive that road all the way to Exit 76 in Connecticut! Soon we were passing the airport, we honked our horn to the Pennsylvania Camuti's, and continued on.
A few minutes later we were in the Sea World parking lot. I have not been to Sea World in 27 years! The last time I was there was 1979 with Grandma, Grandpa, Mom and Dad. I don't remember a whole lot, so I was excited to be returning now. Elaine has been bugging me to go to Sea World everytime we go to Florida, so I finally relented. I am a Disney fan, so it was hard to disown the mouse. However, he got enough of my money, so I can I can give a couple hundred to a beer company this once. No I didn't drink any beer! I am digressing!
We got into the park, looked at the show listings and made a rough plan for our day. The first thing we did was go to the Sea Lion show. I don't think the prop has changed in 27 years. I think it was the same stage and props that were there when I was a little kid. The show was fun and I think sea lions are cool.
Next we went to the Shamu show. This started good, but a few minutes into it, everything got quiet. Soon one of the trainer's came out and said one of the whales wasn't cooperating due to late term pregnancy. She was ready to go at any time! The show did go on, but I am sure it wasn't the entire show. I read a few days later that the new whale was born on September 18th, just two days after our visit.
For the rest of the day, we enjoyed the stingrays complete with jokes and comments about the late Steve Irwin. People just can't leave well alone! The highlight however was feeding the dolphins. When I was younger I was afraid to do this! This time all of us except Jay fed them. They reminded me of puppies. They love having their chin rubbed and would do anything for food! We spent a few dollars here on fish and pictures of us feeding them.
We enjoyed the rest of the park, then finished our day at the dolphin show. This was amazing. There were acrobats, dolphins, all in all a great show. It was a great way to wrap up our day. Soon we made our way to the Malibu and the Beach Line Expressway. We returned our rental car, and this time got a cart to carry our luggage! I wish I would have thought of that when we arrived in Florida! Soon we were past security and waiting for Southwest 2315. We had an on time departure, and we wheels up headed for home. Our cruising altitude was 39,000 ft for the flight home. I caught this picture of the sunset.

We arrived back at Bradley on time, and soon were on the shuttle to the Sienna waiting for us in Lot 4. Ahhhhh, it was so nice to be back in my Toyota after a couple of rental cars! An hour later we were back in Norwich and Jasmine who was waiting for us. We arrived home at 12:05 am on Sunday the 17th. A 19 hour day!
Our vacation was over and our tans would soon fade. I hope my readers enjoyed my vacation reports. I enjoyed our cruise, but could not take a Disney cruise more than once every several years. There is of course the financial aspect, but also the feeling of getting the same experience over and over, and knowing that the trip would cost a few thousand dollars. I can't justify that. Elaine and I will be researching various vacations in the years ahead to determine the best for our family as far as good times, bonding and economically.
You seem to have had a wonderful vacation. When your kids are a bit older, you may want to check out ACE Adventures in West Virginia ( They do rafting, kayaking, rock climbing, mountain biking, caving, ziplining. It's a great place. I'm sure Uncle Dave and I will go back again.
What a great view of the colors on the horizon as you headed home. I like the dolphin shot too.
The picture of the sunset looked much better live then what the camera captured. I think there was some lighting...perhaps on the winglets that affected the shot. In the picture, one other flaw is the outline of the engine nacelle.
We had a great time with the dolphins. In addition to buying the food, we bought a couple of pictures of me and the kids feeding them. They aren't digital and I don't have a scanner yet.
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