American Idol

The judges are for the most part...great. Of course my favorite is Simon who tells it as is. If a contestant gets a compliment from him, they should cherish it. I also like Randy. He is fair, but doesn't necessarily bruise the ego the way Simon does. I can appreciate Paula as I was in love with her as a teenage boy in the late 80s early 90s. However, she clearly does not have the backbone to be an effective judge.
I am looking forward to the return of one of my favorite tv shows. It should be a fun few months on Tuesday evenings.
I've never watched this show. People at work talk about it all the time.
Like Evie I do not follow the show...though I hear all about it around the office. It seems to me that the early weeks are a reworked Gong Show.
I watch it!! I can't help myself. It's like slowing down when you're passing a car accident. You can't help but stop and stare. And hey, it was on last night too :).
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