Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Baseball...What a Great Game!

For the past few days, I have been riding a wave of excitement. I have been really excited about baseball. My son, played his first Tee-Ball game over the weekend. I was glad when he was assigned #4. If you have any familiarity with Baseball history, that is the number of Yankee Great, Lou Gehrig.

Jay did pretty well his first game. He got a couple of hits, but he gets bored playing the field. I was yelling out to him over the course of the game to stand up. He likes to crouch down and prepare for the ball the whole time he is out there. Here are a few pictures.

My kids, both of them do enjoy baseball as well. Sammi and Jay both know a good portion of the Yankee starters, and even Elaine the other day remembered who Jason Giambi was. The piece de resistance however is Jay mimicking Yankee broadcaster John Sterling. If you have ever listened to a Yankee game on the Yankees radio network, you will know that Sterling is known for his corny calls. Some of his calls are, "it is high, it is far, it is, goooooone," or, "Yankees win, thhhhhheee, Yankeeeeees wiiinnn!" He does have one line that Jay repeats almost every day. Whenever Yankees 3rd baseball Alex Rodriguez or A-Rod hits a home run, Sterling often says, "An A-bomb, from A-Rod" Now whenever Jay hears that on the radio whether as it happens, or as part of a sound bite, he breaks into saying it in his own 5 year old way. I love hearing it. While watching American Idol last night, we flipped to the Yankee game during commercials and sure enough on one Idol break, A-Rod hit one to the right field bleachers. I said Sterlings line, and Jay followed suit. I can't wait until the kids are old enough to attend a game.

Last but definitely not least is the return of Roger Clemens to the Yankees. I had a feeling when his good pal Andy Pettitte re-signed that the Rocket wouldn't be able to resist a return to the Bronx. I was actually on the phone on Sunday with my dad, when I looked at the tv and saw Roger at the stadium. I said to dad, "Clemens is at the stadium." His response was, "Really, thats pretty cool." Before he had a chance to finish, I interupted my dad and said, "he is saying something." My excitement was starting to build. The Rocket with mic in his hand said, and I quote, "They came and got me out of Texas. It is good to be back, and I will be talking to y'all soon." With that statement, Roger Clemens returned to the Yankees. I immediately hung up with my dad and called my sister who was on the way home from Youth Councils. By the way, he was in agreement to call Trace! YES Announcer, Michael Kay summed it by saying, "it looks like the Yankees found their #4 starter."

Isn't Baseball great?


Blogger Evie said...

Nice pics of Jay. I loved watching Jonathan and Joshua when they played ball. It was a great way to spend many spring and summer evenings.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007 7:18:00 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

I loved going to T-ball games. The kids were cute, their energy and joy high, along with so many funny plays.

Thursday, May 10, 2007 10:15:00 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

I loved when my boys were in T-Ball too. They are so cute at that age. Cameron spent more time playing down in the dirt then focusing on the game.

Friday, May 11, 2007 9:34:00 AM  
Blogger Stephen said...

Way to go, Jay!!! A boy after his father's heart.

I enjoy the intrigue of baseball, the tension and drama. It's a game that often has surprises up it's sleeve. I enjoy attending Blue Jay games - there is nothing like the atmosphere - the sights, sounds and even the smell.
I will be in Ontario for ten days starting next Tuesday. I hope to take in a game at some point with my son who will also be with me.

Friday, May 11, 2007 8:26:00 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

i think the only thing cuter than watching little ones play baseball/t-ball for the first time is watching them score their first goal in hockey...and then watching the inevitable crashing pile-up of teammates as they all attempt to congratulate one another while trying to stay on their feet at the same time.

Sunday, May 13, 2007 7:07:00 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

I remember one T-ball game where this one young lad really connected with the ball with runners on first and second. The ball flew past the second baseman and the batter took off with great gusto down the line to run the bases. The problem was that he ran down the third base line and rounded 3rd going to 2nd with the other runners passing him. He kept running giving no ear to the coaches trying to call him to go the right way. The kid he got the ball had no idea where to throw the ball and just threw the ball to the kid in the shortstop position who too was confused and just held onto the ball. It was a great hoot.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007 9:38:00 PM  

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