Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My New Toy

Today was a nice day for me. It was upgrade day! I have owned several cell phones. If I stop and think about it, I can probably count how many I have had. Ok, I just did that...I have had 7, and today I got my my eighth.
I have never got a "good" phone. I have always settled for a cheap one, or whatever phone was having a promotion. My last phone was the LG Chocolate. Functionally, it was a great phone...at least for me. Elaine had three of them and had all sorts of problems, but mine never gave me problems. I just did not like the overall feel, and the sensitivity of the various buttons.
When Elaine's last Chocolate died in November, she upgraded to a new phone, an LG EnV2. It is a very nice phone and she absolutely loves it. While browsing the store while she was getting set up, I noticed that BlackBerry's had come down considerably in price. I said to her, I am going to get a BB when I am eligible for a new phone. The Pearl, was the entry level model and was able to be had for virtually nothing. After talking to people, they all said, "forget the Pearl, get a curve" (the midlevel model).
So, up until recently, I had my heart set on the BlackBerry Curve, that is until, I played with my neighbor's iPhone last week. I absoulutely loved the touchscreen. I then decided that on 2/17, when I was eligible, I would be getting the brand new BlackBerry Storm.
I walked into the Verizon Wireless store today like a kid in a toy store. When the sales person asked if she could help me I said, "yes, its upgrade day, and I am here for a banging new phone." When she asked if I had any ideas, I replied eagerly, "I want the Storm!"
After programming it and activitating it to the BlackBerry Service, I was ready to go with my new smartphone. I spent most of the day figuring it out, the various capabilities, plugging in my calendar information, and of course, buying new ringtones.
I must say, I am thrilled to finally get the phone I wanted. So many times, I said, "no, i don't need or want it." This time however, I am looking forward to being connected, not to work, but to friends, to fantasy sports, to news. We live in a connected society, and I have officially joined on. It seems every hour or so, I discover a new feature on the BlackBerry. Just an hour ago, I downloaded the Yankees mobile application. It is pretty cool.
I think I see now why the President was adamant not to give his up.


Blogger Dave said...

Nice....when my Blackberry died I was moved to the Palm Treo, which was a bad move. The Treo email system "Good Messanger" keeps going down. I was without email for a month, got it back for two days and it went down again. Today THQ sent out an email suggesting that everyone stick with the Blackberry.

Friday, February 20, 2009 7:25:00 PM  
Blogger Evie said...

I hated Dave's BB and I don't like his Treo much either. I don't want a fancy cellular phone - I want a phone that takes and receives calls. I know I sound like a Luddite, but, really if I want to take pictures I'll use a camera that takes good quality photos. If I want to send email or connect to the Internet, I'll use a device with a decent keyboard and a screen I can read. Having said all that, I hope you enjoy your new toy. The Yankee feature alone will probably make it worth your while.

Saturday, February 21, 2009 9:21:00 AM  
Blogger Christian said...

The Treo has real tiny buttons. That would drive me nuts. My touch screen QWERTY keyboard works great and has an auto correct.

Sunday, February 22, 2009 3:19:00 PM  

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