Visited States

I got this idea off of a friends blog. Thanks Steve Howard! It is an interesting exercise. I like to travel and see the beautiful country we live in.
Some thoughts on this. I have only been primarily in the eastern territory. The exception to this is a few road trips to Florida. As far as Michigan goes, I really didn't visit there in the true sense of the word. I had a layover on a Northwest Airlines flight on Christmas Day 2000. We had to catch a puddle jumper for a ride across Lake Erie to visit the parents.
I visited Illinois twice, both on Army business. Once as a member of the Pendel Brass in 1993, and then the following year as a delegate to the National Forum. I have been to the Caribbean (Puerto Rico, Grand Cayman), Mexico, Canada and Mexico, but that is the limit of my international travel. We were supposed to visit Belize, but someone on our ship had a heart attack and that changed those plans!
Where would I like to go? I definitely want to visit California, Hawaii, Alaska and the Grand Canyon. Europe would be a neat place to visit, and if things ever settle down, I would love to get to the Holy Land.
Where have you been, and where would you like to go?
I am always amazed at how little travel happens in the United States.
I am From England and have travelled extensively throughout Europe. Scotland, Ireland Wales, France Belgium, Germany Czech Rep. Spain Portugal, Italy Austria Switzerland, Netherlands Denmark, Sweden and Norway.
Plus I have visited loads of US states. NH, Montana, Texas, Florida Miss. Missouri, Iowa, The Dakotas, Cali, Colorado, New Mexico, Washington, New York Connecticut, Rhode Island, Mass. The Carolinas, Alabama, Arkansas, Michigan, Wisconsin, Kansas, Illinois, NJ, Idaho, Utah.
America is a fantastic continent, you have EVERYTHING there to see, and it's all within a two or three day road trip. Every state I have been to has its own character and interest. I reccommend you try it sometime.
Good Luck
The Traveller Guy
As you know, our family likes to travel too.
We have a large map in our house with different colored pins for each member of the family, plus one color that represents where all of us have been. That thing is loaded with pins.
You probably remember the map on the side of our camper that shows where we've been. It's a nice campground icebreaker - gives us something to talk about with our neighbors. Lots of campers have them.
I've travelled extensively through 43 states, 10 Canadian provinces, and a tad in Mexico. Definitely need to do more in the western USA and Mexico. Also want to do the Caribbean and Europe.
Joshua is going to hit 7 countries in Europe this summer. He gets around pretty well for a 15-year-old!
Keep us posted on your travels.
I've got to make a correction: I've been to 42 states.
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