Sunday, March 12, 2006

Return to Ladore

Tomorrow, Elaine and I will make the trek across I-84 and travel to Ladore. Ladore has always had a special place in my heart. I remember going there as a child with my grandparents, then as a camper, and ultimately as a staff member.

It truly is a special place. As a staff member, I can recall spending my first night in my cabin in Oneida villiage. The creaks, the groans, and the glow in the dark paint on the door. It was a spooky summer! I think I heard some type of rodent scampering on the rafters many a night. Great memories, some printable, others perhaps not so printable!

This time we have been invited to attend the Mission and Ministries Forum. It is a forum where officers have a chance to dialogue with the territorial leadership. The schedule is heavy, but I am sure we will have a great time. The only drawback is the lack of entertainment in the rooms. You know the tv, just the bed and a few walls! Please note this clip taken from the Ladore website.

There are no televisions or phones in the rooms, however, public phones are accessible and provided in each facility. Please don't expect T-1 Internet connections or the latest in hi-tech gadgetry. Rather, your experience at Ladore is centered on a simplistic and fundamental methodology to life - a back to basics approach within the evangelical elements of the universal Christian church cloaked within nature's beauty and serenity.

My laptop will make the trip with us as will a few of our favorite DVD's to enjoy on it prior to retiring for the evening. Hopefully the Verizon Cell service is good!

I will be sure to post an update. Criminals take note, the grandparents are as I type this traversing the NYS Thruway in the Odyssey and will be in town to watch the kids and dog, so breaking in is not an option.

Here is the link for Ladore.


Blogger Evie said...

Wow - Camp Ladore memories! Too many of them to recount here.

I wholeheartedly agree that Camp Ladore is a special place. I've lived in five states (in the east, south and midwest) and two Canadian provinces (central and western). I've visited most of the continental 48 states and all of the Canadian provinces. Nevertheless, Camp Ladore continues to stand in my mind as one of the most beautiful, blessed spots in the world.

I have mixed feelings about whether I want to visit again. I know the place has changed dramatically since I last visited 16 years ago. There's something within me that wants to hold onto my memories and keep those as my lasting impressions of the place. There's another part of me that's curious to see how the place has grown and changed. I guess I have to accept the fact that places, as well as people, must either adapt or die. I'm sure that, if I have an opportunity to visit again, I will do so.

I'm sure you and Elaine will enjoy your stay. You may even find the enforced escape from high technology refreshing (for a short time, anyway). Have a great trip. I will look forward to your next post.

Monday, March 13, 2006 12:40:00 PM  
Blogger Christian said...

Aunt Evie: Things have changed here for the worse! There is yet another prison, only 1/4 mile from the main gate of the south camp. That makes 2 prisons within a couple of miles of camp.

High Knob Mountain now has dozens of wind generators on it, and it really takes away the natural beauty having these wind generators that are a few hundred feet tall on the top of the mountain. I am not so impressed. I took a drive over to the south side and it too, has not stood the test of time too well. Perhaps it is a good thing that it is foggy tonight, and we weren't able to see to well!

Monday, March 13, 2006 10:46:00 PM  
Blogger Christian said...

Oops i forgot to tell you! Ladore Lodge has come into the 21st century! There is wireless internet in the Lodge!!!!!

Monday, March 13, 2006 10:54:00 PM  
Blogger Evie said...

I'm sorry that you've confirmed my worst fears about the changes that have occurred. I've heard bits and pieces of rumors over the years and haven't been excited or impressed by much of what I've heard. Maybe I will pass up any opportunities for future visits.

I'm amazed that in this environmentally aware age we are not using greater wisdom in developing the riches God has given us. Believe me, the Pendel division is blessed to have its camp in such a beautiful area. I've been to a lot of Salvation Army camps and many of them are situated in far worse settings. It must be terribly frustrating for you to continually observe what's happening.

In spite of all that, I hope you and Elaine enjoy your stay and the fellowship with your friends.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:46:00 PM  

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