Saturday, November 04, 2006

It's Amost Here....Election Day

As I drove throughout the Connecticut country side today, it seemed as though there was an ocean of election day yard signs. Some examples...

I'm Sticking With Joe--Lieberman for Senate

Ned Lamont for Senate

Rob Simmons for District 2 US Representative

Joe Courtney for District 2 US Representative

Jodi Rell--Governor

Joe DiStefano--Governor

There were more of course for the local and state representatives, but these are the ones that I will be involved in making a decision for.

There has been much national attention given to our senate seat. Senator Joe Lieberman was a former VP nominee, and Presidential candidate. He lost the democratic nomination to Greenwich millionaire Ned Lamnot, who doesn't have a whole lot to say except that he opposes the war. Many know that Senator Lieberman has been supportive of the war in Iraq and had a much photographed embrace with the President following a recent State of the Union Address. One thing I admire about Joe is that he doesn't play the party line. He votes with his heart and is not afraid to cross the aislet to get things done. He will have my vote on Tuesday.

The House race is especially tight. Incumbent Rob Simmons (R) is being challenged by Joe Courtney. One of the big successes of Congressman Simmons and the aforementioned Senator Lieberman is saving Submarine Base New London. This base was on the BRAC commission closure list and these two guys fought tooth and nail to keep it open. Their work was successful and the base survived this round. For that alone, Congressman Simmons gets my vote. He seems like a hard worker in Washington and serves on the several key committees. If the base was lost, it would have had a ripple effect on the economy in SE Connectiuct which may have led to further lay offs at Electric Boat in Groton...the world famous builder of Submarines.

The Governor race I must confess to going along party lines, but Governor Jodi Rell, stepped up into a scandalous posiotion following the indictment of former Governor John Rowland and has served our state admirably. At one point recently, I heard she had a 80% approval rating. She has brought integrity back to the capital and seems to be a hard worker. Being a fairly new resident of Connecticut, I am not aware of all of the states problems, but Governor Rell seems like the right person to have in Hartford at the time.

In a few days, all of the signs will come down, the commercials will be off, and life will return to normal. What will the news commentators have to talk about????


Blogger Evie said...

They'll start talking about the 2008 elections, of course!

Saturday, November 04, 2006 9:58:00 PM  
Blogger Christian said...

They could at least give us a month or two! As much as I hate to say it, I think we will have another President Clinton in 2008. I am think Barack Obama will be her VP.

Saturday, November 04, 2006 10:02:00 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

I respect Lieberman's independance and how he puts forward his thoughts in a cogent manner.

Here in VA we have one Senate candidated proclaiming how "independent" he is and that the problem with his oppenant is that he is too much of a party person. Yet, his actions contract his words for his campaign is straight party line, not one deviation from the party's national strategy or message. Evidently what he defines "independent" as is "the democratic party line."

I wish we had a Lieberman here in VA.

Sunday, November 05, 2006 8:38:00 AM  

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