Tuesday, January 30, 2007

New TV Shows I Love!

Some of you may know that this past summer I got a Tivo device. I absolutely love it and it has allowed me to begin to watch tv again despite having kids that like to hog the family TV. Having the Tivo allows me to record a program while Jay or Sam are watching one of their DVD's for the upteenth time. I am going to highlight some shows that I have recently got into.

This show debut'd this past fall and we quickly made it a weekly staple in our house. WE have the season pass set on the Tivo and we catch every episode despite our busy schedules. It is about a small town in Kansas that one day sees mushroom clouds on the horizon. The show then reveals that facts of this attack as the residents of the town discover what is happening outside of Jericho. The show is currently in mid season hiatus, but will resume again in a few weeks.

I don't know what made me finally watch this new action show. Perhaps it was the personalities on Fox and Friends who were talking about it, or just I finally disciplined myself to watch it. Regardless, I have got into the life of Jack Bauer and the rest of the support staff of CTU. My father in law has the first 4 seasons on DVD, so perhaps when I visit his home in April I will have to sit down either in front of his tv or my laptop and catch up on some things.

On Monday night while watching 24 in real time, a commercial aired that featured the return of House on Fox. In the upper right hand corner, my Tivo put a thumbs up icon, saying, click "thumbs up" to record. I thought, "what the heck." As I type this, I watching my first epsiode of House. I must confess to having to stop and rewind it as it records to hear some of Dr. House's well known punchlines.

Do you have any shows that you can't miss? I have a few others, but these are the new ones on my repetoire.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't watch much TV. Mostly sports, movies and news. Perhaps I'd watch more if I could record shows and watch them at my convenience, but I'm not ready to invest in TiVo yet.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007 12:20:00 PM  
Blogger Christian said...

My Tivo didn't cost anything. I signed on for a year's service at $12.95/month. All I needed was the first month to get my box.

Now that I have it. I could not imagine life without it!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007 2:12:00 PM  

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