
Throughout my life, I have always had a dog. Except for four years at the SFOT, there has always been a dog in my life. No, I wasn't on some remedial tract at the SFOT, just one of a few who were...priviliged to be there with my parents then as a cadet myself.
Today, I wish to share with you the dogs that have been in my life.
Sam was the first dog that we had. He was around before me. He was a Beagle and all he used to do is lay around. He didn't play, he didn't do much. In fact, my grandma once told my dad, "Dennis, why don't you get Sam put to sleep, all he does is sleep anyway!"
Sam was a good watch dog, and that was one of the rare times he showed any life. If the doorbell rang, he would go running to the door.
Sam developed severe neck problems and was put to sleep at the age of eight I believe. I was only 7 or so at the time, so I really don't remember.
I remember seeing Laddie in the pet store at the Harrisburg East Mall just before Sam was put to sleep. He looked so cute, and as soon as the opportunity presented itself for us to need a dog, I quickly reminded my parents of the Collie at the mall. know the story, family goes in store looking for a puppy, store staff sees family, has family hold dog, family willingly turns over a few hundred dollars and walks out with dog.
Laddie was a cool dog. He was a typical puppy and was very smart. He could open the gate on our chain link fence back yard. He was great.
Unfortunately, he was the first of my parents possessions that had to go when they decided to become Salvation Army officers. One of my mother's co-workers had just purchased a farm and was looking for a dog. Laddie found a new family and lived to be an old dog with his new family.
Brittany--Brittany Spaniel
Two years of agony! For the two years of training school with my parents, I was petless. (is that even a word?) Shortly after being commissioned and sent to Punxsutawney, PA. We began to scour the classified ads for a new puppy. We found Brittany at a breeder in Blairsville, PA. She was a great dog. She was incredibly smart, and had a great personality. She never ceased to amaze us with her various tricks. My mother is convinced that the dog "talked" to her. Well not really, but it is an inside family joke!
Brittany lived to the ripe age of 13 and developed a tumor in her throat which constricted her breathing. She was put to sleep in the fall of 1997. I was at the SFOT and when I heard my mother's broken voice on the phone, I knew what she was calling about. I cried like a baby that night. I had truly lost a good friend.
Ashley--Siberian Husky
Shortly after being commissioned and married, Elaine and I were ready to start a family. Well, not that and not quite yet. We were driving around southern Maine one night and decided to stop at the mall. Well, just like the story of Laddie, we had the same experience. We saw a cute Siberian Husky, and we just couldn't resist. A few hundred dollars turned into several hundred dollars. You know the story...out we walked with our new puppy.
Ashley was a cool dog. She wasn't a typical dog. She hated going for rides. She was by no means a watch dog. She was defintely a part of our family for 6 years. She developed seizures and these seizures became more and more frequent. The last she never quite recovered from. She was put to sleep earlier than we ever expected and that was a sad day for all of us in the Camuti household.
Jasmine--Brittany Spaniel
Immediately after Ashley was put to sleep, we needed to go into damage control. We had young children and Samantha was very upset that Ashley was no longer with us. We picked up a classified, and immediately scoured the ads. We found a very reasonable ad for Brittany Spaniel puppies. I grew up with Brittany, so I knew these were cool dogs. All I had to do was convince Elaine and Samantha. Well, the price was right! She was much cheaper than the Labrador that Elaine wanted. After making a phone call, we were on our way to the breeder near Augusta.
We arrived and were taken into the puppy room. Jasmine came running to the kids. When I got down to check her out, she immediately leaped up into my arms and gave me a kiss. Can we say sold????
Samantha named her after the Disney Princess Jasmine from the animated movie Aladdin. Jasmine has got to be the coolest dog. She is very loving. She follows me everywhere. She is a great watchdog and is a great addition to our family. We have had her now for a little over a year and she never ceases to amaze us with her great personality. She reminds me of another great dog that was the same breed.
Do you love dogs? Share your stories.
Dude...I'm insulted. Where's Taylor? I know she's not your dog...but...still. Blog about Taylor!
At my sister's request, I am doing a Dogs Part II blog entry.
Since I remember Sam as a puppy (before you were born) I think I need to set the record straight and offer a defense for the poor dog. Sam was a lively puppy and was fairly active for the first few years of his life. As I remember, his personality changed quite a lot when we moved to Harrisburg - I guess he didn't adjust to the change too well. Nevertheless, he was a good, gentle dog. I remember coming home from college to see Sam at the top of the stairs wagging his tail with joy to see me. That's when I knew I was home. I thought Sam was a great pet and was sorry he didn't live longer.
Aunt Evie
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