Friday, April 07, 2006

Baseball is Back!

It has been a long week! Daylight savings time went into effect, and the Yankees opened on the West Coast. It was most difficult staying awake watching the guys play the Athletics of Oakland. I hope I am able to stay awake tonight as they open a 3 game series against Anaheim or is it the Los Angeles Angels.

Baseball is back! It is great to know that most of my nights will no longer be channel surfing, but rather tuned to channel 36. In Norwich that is YES.

In addition to Major League Baseball, the minors have also started. Last night Samantha and I braved the elements and went to Opening night at the Connecticut Defenders. The Coast Guard Academy color guard presented the colors, and the Coast Guard Academy Glee Club presented the national anthem. Before too long, the call to "play ball" was announced and the game was underway.

The only problem was it was cold!!!!! The game time temperature was 43 degrees, and there was a breeze. Sammi and I lasted about an hour. After that we packed it in, and headed home. We didn't pay for the tickets as they were comps. We had stopped by the stadium a couple of weeks ago to buy the cadets t-shirts, and were given two great tickets.

It is great to be able to enjoy this great sport not only in our living room, but also follow the hometown team.

Baseball is back!


Blogger Evie said...

We love going to minor leage games. It's great that there's a team in your city. I'm sure you and the kids will enjoy many summer evenings in the ballpark.

Bring on the hot dogs, popcorn and Coke!

Saturday, April 08, 2006 3:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you're working on getting your ballgame voice in shape, since we're going to the Yanks game a week from Tuesday.Mine is almost there...but come the 18th, I don't think I'll have anything to worry about! Hopefully the Yankees will "mesh" their pitching and offense together by then...

After all, they started on the west coast in 1998 and started the season 1-4. And I know you know what happened in 98...125-50 for the year, including the postseason. Good times indeed.

One team. One mission.

Sunday, April 09, 2006 12:03:00 AM  

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