Vacation Update

Well i am finally able to update my blog. At my inlaws home in Buffalo, I am able to get on one of their neighbors wireless network. I barely have a signal...I have to be in a certain room and have to the have the computer angled in a specific way to acquire the signal.
We had a great time in Erie! After a long trip on Sunday, we arrived around 11:15 pm. This time I decided to save $15 by driving across I-80 instead of the NY Thruway. I don't think I will do that again! The trip seemed very long, and of course there is the Pennsylvania road construction to deal with. It never ceases to amaze me how they close miles of interstate to fix a few hunderd yards of road.
On Tuesday, Dad, Tracy, and I travelled to Toronto to see the Yankees. One of the joys about going to see baseball in Toronto is that the event staff are very lenient on letting fans line up to see the players during batting practice. We set up above the Yankee dugout.
You can see from the picture how close we were. That is a picture of Yankee shortsop Derek Jeter heading back in to the dugout. What was neat is that Yankee catcher Jorge Posada gave the kid standing next to dad his bat. He pointed to the kid with his bat and then slid it on the dugout roof to the kid. Newly signed center fielder Johnny Damon also signed autographs and interacted with the fans for a while.
Well after and exciting top of the 1st inning that featured back to back home runs by Alex Rodriguez and Jason Giambi, the game went south from there. Randy Johnson could not hold the 4-0 lead that was given to him. The Yankees played sloppy and Jays capitalized on the mistakes.
On Wednesday, we took the kids to the Erie Zoo. It isn't a big zoo, but they do have some great exhibits. As always the big cats were my favorites.
I hope to be able to post again over the weekend. We are having a good April vacation.
I'm glad you got to the game. Part of me wants to say it's too bad the Yankees lost, but since they lost to the Blue Jays, it's not all bad. That's the problem with divided loyalties.
Too bad you didn't take your mom and the kids to Toronto with you. The Toronto Zoo is one of the best in the world. I'm sure your kids would love it.
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