Spoiling Myself
Since starting this new adventure in my life these past couple of months, I have decided that each paycheck that I am going to spoil myself a little bit. My expenses are rather low now living alone and that leaves me with the "funds" to spoil myself...just a little bit.
In addition to buying the sunglasses, I also wanted to treat myself to something else. I considered buying a new shirt, but being in between seasons, I was really unsure if I should get long sleeve or short sleeve. Decisions, decisions!!

Two weeks ago, I purchased a new GPS for myself. I gave Elaine my old one due to the fact that she is by far more directionally challenged than I. That is not a dig at her, but rather the blatant truth. In the interim I was using VZ Navigator on my BlackBerry. I did not like that for a few reasons. One, it killed the battery on the phone! Two, I couldn't text or read text that came in while I was driving, or place any calls without shutting down the application.
I decided that I was going to buy myself a new GPS because I was tired of using the VZ Navigator for the above mentioned reasons, as well as the $9.99/month charge to my Verizon Wireless Bill.
I began shopping and realized I wanted to get a decent GPS. It had to say street names and be a large screen model. Upon checking out Best Buy.com, I realized that the TomTom XL540S was on sale for 50% off. This GPS has a huge 5 inch screen and has advanced lane guidance. That feature shows a photo realistic image of the highway, and tells you what lane to be in for your exit or your through traffic at busy interchanges. I got right into the car, and drove to BestBuy, and was happy they had one in stock.
Last week when Tracy was down visiting, she and I went into the Sunglass Hut and I found a pair of Oakley Sunglasses that I absolutely loved. They fit my face well and looked good on me. I determined that when I got paid, I would pick up a pair. I have always wanted a good pair of sunglasses but never splurged on them. Well yesterday I did, and I really like the Oakley's. They have polarized lenses and are just about perfect as far as using them for driving in sunlight.

I decided to buy a new cologne. I haven't bought cologne since I was a cadet and I still use that bottle on occasion, but I felt I needed something new and something in this millenium! I decided on Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue. It really smells good and is a nice light scent.

Spoiling myself has been fun! While in the mall yesterday, I was checking out MacBooks, but that will require a little bit more saving!!
Some things are worth planning ahead to buy.
Since I have a really bad habit of losing sunglasses, or leaving them behind when I need them, I've opted to buy several cheap pairs. I have one pair (maybe two) in the camper, a pair in Dave's car, a pair in my car, and a pair in the house. If I ever trust myself to keep ahold of my shades, I may treat myself to a nice pair one day.
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