Dogs Part II

At my sister's request, I need to blog about another dog that is special to our family.
While I have never lived with Taylor, I will respect her wishes.
Taylor--Labrador Retriever
Shortly after Brittany was put to sleep, my parents decided they needed another dog. Tracy was 12 and had only known having a dog in her home.
Along came Taylor. Taylor is the biggest Daddy's girl in the world! My dad can tell her to do anything and she will do it. She totally respects him and all he has to do is call her by name and she comes running.
Taylor is a great dog and I enjoy having my parents bring her to my home for a visit. We have a huge yard in Norwich that is entirely fenced in, so it is great to let the dogs run around.
Taylor enjoys daily walks in the summer around my parents neighborhood. She knows when dinner is over that it is time to go for a walk and will bark until her leash is secured on her collar.
My mother treats Taylor as well as us kids. Recently she slipped down the steps and my mom called to make sure it was ok for her to bring Taylor to Connecticut because she did not want to leave her home alone with a limp. Also, since she is a little nervous about the steps to the family room, my mom will walk her downstairs through the garage where it isn't as steep or slippery.
Taylor is a great dog. She has brought much joy to my parents as well as my wife and kids.
Much better. Taylor appreciates the sentiment, as I'm sure our mother will!
I met Taylor last summer and enjoyed her company very much. It's been ten years since we've had a dog (have got to stop living in apartments and townhouses without yards!) and I'm really looking forward to moving into a home in which we will be able to have a dog again. Dogs are great family members and companions.
Our last dog was Fred, part husky, collie and greyhound. Man, he flew across our backyard! He had powerful legs. One time our vet (who weighed at least 200 pounds) was checking him out and Fred kicked him in the chest and sent flying several feet across the room. When the vet wasn't poking him, he was very good-natured. He was also a great watchdog who actually prevented our house from being robbed once. The burglar(s) had broken a window frame and Fred scared him(them) away. Good dog!
Before Fred we had George (briefly). George was a German Shepherd who couldn't stand being alone at all. Every time we went out for more than an hour we'd come home find the kitchen linoleum torn to shreds where he had chewed it up. We gave him to some friends of ours who lived in the countryside.
Well, those are my dog stories. I'll let you know when we get another one.
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