Friday, February 09, 2007

Kentucky Here I Come

Very early Sunday morning, I will board a US Airways 757 to Charlotte, NC, then board a Canadair Regional Jet to Lexington, KY. After visiting some family nearby for lunch, I will be dropped off at Asbury Theological Seminary for the first ever Homileticial Symposium for 5 days.

The Symposium is a follow up to the regular Preaching Seminar sponsored by ATS and our own education department. I attended the seminar in 2002 and must say it was a highlight of my officership. I was very impressed with the quality of instructors and the overall experience.

This Symposium promises to be that and more. It is a small group experience. I think there are only seven officers from our territory appointed to the symposium, and seeing the list, I know for a fact that I am the youngest attending! I hope I don't stir the pot too much with my thinking!

There were written assignments that needed to be done prior to the on campus portion of the seminar. These included three interaction papers on books read, and two sermon critiques. One of the critiques was very hard to be tough on. The preacher was Dr. Ellsworth Kalas, who I think is one of the best preachers/speakers I have ever heard.

The final piece is to write a sermon. I have completed all but this, but I will have it completed in a few hours.

I plan to blog from Asbury as long as the computers in the lab don't block blogger. I don't expect this to be the case, but you never know! The Salvation Army after all blocks myspace!


Blogger Evie said...

You'll have a great week. Grandma went to the preaching seminar when Uncle Dave and I were at Asbury. She enjoyed it a lot.

Friday, February 09, 2007 5:35:00 PM  
Blogger Dave said...

Hopefully the weather will improve so that you can get time to walk around the area. Wilmore is not the quaint town it was twenty-five years ago.

Saturday, February 10, 2007 12:29:00 PM  

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