Thursday, February 15, 2007

Symposium Days 2 & 3

Tuesday was a great day at the symposium. It started off early enough with having my sermon videotaped. I have never been videoed while preaching, so this was a new experience for me. I must say it wasn't bad and went quite well. Once I get home, I will try to post the video of my sermon on the blog. That should be fun.

After watching my other classmates do their sermons, we enjoyed a chapel service. The afternoon was free for research and meetings with our faculty mentors. In the evening we had a preaching workshop with Dr. Mike Pasquarello. It was an amazing night of just asking questions and dialoging. I got back to my room around 10 PM and promptly went to sleep.

Wednesday turned out to be a rather busy day. After morning devotions, I made my way to the bookstore and picked up a few books. One written by Dr. Pasquarello will be a valuable resource for my final paper. After a stop at the bookstore I went to my faculty advisor's office for a quick meeting. We re-scheduled my meeting for after lunch to review my sermon DVD. I must say, I did feel it went well, but I was very open to criticism. Dr. Strawhun (Lee) was very supportive and had good things to say about my sermon and delivery. It was very encouraging and uplifting to hear that.

After my meeting, we had the opportunity to sit in on Dr. Pasquarello's Preaching class. That was very informative and enjoyable. We seem to be hearing a recurring theme to preach with theology! Get into the word! It is sounding like a resounding gong.

After our class time, we went out as a group to SpindleTop Hall for dinner. The SpindleTop Hall is a mansion that now serves as a private club for the University of Kentucky Alumini. It is a lovely facility, but I thought it was rather stuffy. I would have rather gone to Applebees, TGIFriday's or a restaurant like that.

On the way home, I got to drive an antique Mercedes that someone in my class owns. The car is older than me, and was a thrill to drive such an old car in great condition.

Upon return, I went to my room and watched the final cut for American Idol. However, since I missed Tuesday night episode, I was kind of out of the loop. Oh well, such is life!

More tomorrow, if I do indeed get a chance to get to the computer!


Blogger Stephen said...

Hi Christian:
I'm Evie's brother-in-law. I stumbled into your blog as linked on her site. Like yourself, I am an Army officer. I am stationed at the corps officer at Berkshire Community Church in Calgary.
I am pleased that you have the opportunity to attend a symposium on preaching at Asbury. I'm afraid that in general, Army officers are not well known for their preaching. I like the constant message you are receiving - preach theology. Too often we are guilty of reducing our preaching to catering to a consumerism mentality - a feel good approach that is very much lacking in solid theological teaching. In my present corps, I have been dabbling in "seeker sensitive" - consumerism theology. I have become much more "theological" in my preaching in recent months after feeling convicted of robbing God of the essence of the message of his word.
Have a great conclusion of your time at Asbury.

Friday, February 16, 2007 10:01:00 PM  
Blogger Christian said...

Hi Stephen. I remember meeting you on a couple of occasions when I have been to Canada.

That seemed to be the recurring theme of the lectures and workshops we were in. One professor specifically mentioned a couple of well known evangelical preachers who use the consumerism theology. One professor used an example from one of these well known preachers books to demonstrate the non-Biblical approach to preaching.

I had a great time at the symposium. I made five new friends, and learned much from the excellent faculty at Asbury.

Saturday, February 17, 2007 8:20:00 AM  
Blogger Dave said...

Thanks for the post

Saturday, February 17, 2007 1:50:00 PM  

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