Christmas goes to the Dogs...literally
Our dog Jasmine has become a very large part of our family. We often try to take her on vacations with us as things allow. Immediate family usually has no problems with this, so she almost always accompanies us to both our parents homes when we vacation. Jasmine is a great traveler and will always find a comfy sport in whatever house we are in to lay down and take a nap.

When I was loading the car on Wednesday afternoon, Jasmine kept following me each and every trip to the car, watching me intently. I think she was afraid for some reason she wasn't going. When it was time to leave, I put her leash on her. After making a quick sweep of the house, I said to Elaine, "where's Jazz?" I called her and she was nowhere to be found. I opened the door and she was on the back porch just standing there waiting for me to open the car for her to grab her seat.
After a quick stop at the local chinese takeout for some crab rangoon and boneless ribs. (Elaine was craving and no she isn't pregnant). Elaine quickly told her Jasmine to take a seat because she didn't want Jazz to be begging her, and Jazz was prepared to do just that by standing up on the console between our seats. I do think Jazz might have got a rib or two though.
When we arrived at Mom and Dad's, Jasmine quickly said her hellos and found Taylor. Together, they hung around with each other. Taylor and Jasmine get along great! They really do like each other.
On Christmas morning both Jasmine and Taylor were excited. Taylor really likes Christmas as she knows she gets a present or two. Taylor began walking around, sniffing all of the gifts until she found hers and Jasmine's. Much to my childrens dismay, the dogs got to open the first gifts on Christmas Day. They each received a box of biscuits. Here are pictures of them looking around. I believe in Taylor's picture, she is barking at mom to give her the present. Jasmine's head had just turned as the picture was captured on hers but she is right in front of where her gift was as well.
As I type this, Jasmine is laying next to me fast asleep. At least until she hears Taylor wake up and come downstairs!