Thursday, June 29, 2006

Superman Returns

**Warning Possible Spoilers**

For me, one of the most anticipated movies of the last few years was released to the local cineplex this week. I was fortunate enough to get a ticket to a premiere showing on Tuesday evening at 10:00.

Superman Returns basically picks up where Superman II left off or rather 5 years after. Astronomers have discovered the remains of the planet Krypton, and Superman leaves to see if anything remains of his homeworld.

The movie quickly is into the action. We see his return to earth and his return to the Daily Planet in Metropolis. While Clark/Superman was gone, everyone moved on. Editor in Chief Perry White remarked that the reason Clark got his job back was because he was replacing someone who died. Lois won a Pullitzer Prizer for an article entitled, Why the World Does Not Need Superman. Everyone has moved on and our hero seems very conflicted and I dare say lost.

The action quickly picks up and it isn't too long before we see our hero in a new suit and cape. In one of the greatest action sequences I have seen in a long time, Superman saves a 777 airliner. I of course was aware of the outcome...this is a hero flick, but the action had me on the edge of my seat.

I thought that Brandon Routh did a good job portraying Superman and his alter ego Clark Kent. He seemed as though he was lonely, and very conflicted. He would go by Lois' home and use his x-ray vision and super hearing to eavesdrop. I think Chris Reeve would be very proud.

Kevin Spacey was amazing as the diabolical Lex Luthor! When I heard he was cast, I was very excited as Spacey is one of my favorite dare I say, "middle aged actors." He was humorous and frightening at the same time as his meglomanical scheme came to fruition. Great acting by Kevin!

There is an interesting plot twist that makes sense if you know the history of the franchise. As the twist developed, I was nervous on how director Bryan Singer would go with it. I was pleased how the movie ended. My only hope is that this twist isn't made corny in the sequels that are sure to follow. I thought seeing Lois in the end sitting at her computer writing a story, Why the World Needs Superman was a nice touch.

I enjoyed this! I really did. It was different from the movies of my childhood, but was done well. I think it is safe to say that Superman is back in a very big way!

Welcome back Superman!


Blogger Evie said...

Thanks for the review. Jonathan told me he enjoyed it. In his words, "They acted as if the last two movies had never been made." This is a good thing. As you know, the first two movies were pretty good - especially #2 - my favorite of the bunch. The third and fourth were duds (and that may be putting it kindly). I'm glad they're getting onto the right track again.

Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:38:00 PM  
Blogger Christian said...

The 3rd and 4th movies were horrible! I just bought Superman I and II for me and Jay at Walmart for 5 bucks each. We have watched them a few times in anticipation of the release of SR. In fact he fell asleep tonight leaning up against me as we watched Superman II.

The last few incarnations of comic book heroes...Spiderman I & II, Batman Begins, and now Superman Returns have been very refreshing. The new directors have done their jobs by keeping the quality high unlike Dukes of Hazzard and Starsky and Hutch!

Friday, June 30, 2006 11:03:00 PM  

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